Monday, June 6, 2011


Just Stop It! (amp) John 8:4 says...the woman was caught in the very act of adultery and brought to Jesus, to see what his judgement would be. But Jesus stooding down writing on the ground..stood up and said; he among you without sin cast the first stone......all walked away with conviction and left the woman. Jesus said to the woman, where are your accusers? She replyed no man Lord! And Jesus said, neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more. My message from this is, "we are ALL without fault", and no man is perfect, nor have we made it in yet. So just stop it! Throwing your condemning stones at each other. We waste time picking, looking and finding fault in each other, while killing each other out emotionally, mentally, spiritually. God is not please. Let us work on our own faults and flaws that we all have...the world is watching us killing each other out and putting on programs that don't bring change because we lack understanding of the realness of Christ love. And we wonder why the world isn't coming in? Can we start asking God to perfect the love of Christ in us! His love isn't an comdemning love, His love heals and restores life to those who are hurting and wounded and needing to be love. He loves us with all of our flaws and faults. We must operate through the power of Christ love, if we are going to see the miricales, healings, and supernatrual power of God come back in the chruch in this hour. Without the power of Christ operating in pureness...we need to stop now. Nothing will work without's like trying to drive a car without gas...or make something work without electricy. Love is the electricy we need to activate the things of God to manifest. It is what the sinner man doesn't see among us, God's people. Well don't stone me. It's truth! FATHER, I PRAY IN JESUS NAME THAT THE LOVE OF CHRIST IS PERFECTED IN THE LEADERS FIRST THAT IT WILL FLOW DOWN INTO THE BODY OF CHRIST...SO THE WORLD WILL SEE WHAT THE TRUE LOVE OF GOD IS IN DEMOSTRATION THREW US, THAT THEY WILL BEGAN TO RUN INTO THE HOUSE OF GOD AND REPENT. "JUST STOP IT!" By: Apostle Vanzant Luster

Monday, April 18, 2011

How God Does A Thing!

God doesn't give us the people we want, He gives us the people we NEED - To help us, to hurt us, to leave us, to love us and to make us into the person we are meant to be. He knows what and who it takes to provoke us, make, mold and shape us into the vessels of honour. He also knows what's in us, and what it takes to get it out of us. To bring us Into the image of Christ for His glory!

Disappointment, rejection and pain has a way of pushing us into the place of position we need to be in. Just as Peninnah was a pain to Hannah, God use Peninnah to push her to the alter. And after, Hannah left the alter she became pregnant with promise! (Samuel) a prophet to the nation...Wow!
How God does a thing is beyond our natural understanding...but it gets the job done...even though it causes pain.

Dear God: Those that read this, Help them to live their life to the fullest. Promote them and cause them to excel above their expectations.

Help them to shine in the darkest places where it is impossible to love. Protect them at all times, lift them up when they need you the most, and let them know when they walk with you, They will always be safe in your arms. Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.


Friday, January 21, 2011


Given by; Prophet Sharon on Friday, January 21, 2011

The Lord gave me focus on the number 1. The number one represents creation and the beginning/first of something. God is calling for a new order in this season. This includes the church, His people and the government. They have forgotten about God's commandments and have been operating in with their own agendas. This has caused many to be lost in the world as well as the church. In the first shift, He is calling for an end to the things in the church, His people and the government that are contrary to His will.

He's calling for a nation to repent and come back to Him. He wants them to do their first works again. He wants to prepare them for the second shift. God is going to release His power as never before in the second shift. We will experience a weight of His glory in this shift. He will pour out His spirit upon all flesh, but it will only be upon those that are ready and prepared for this. There will be a great manifestation of His power as we enter 2012. This is the year of anointing and appointing. The Lord will pour a double anointing upon His vessels.

He will appoint and bring to the front the remnant of His people that have been faithful and have availed themselves to Him during the first shifting. God will no longer tolerate His work going undone. There has been a lot of entertainment in His churches. His people have begun to compromise his statutes, they have begun to do ministry for filthy lucre. There will be a great exposure in the next season for those who will not adhere to the first shift and an exposure as
He elevates those who did.

He is shifting the government, He has begun having some leaders elected that believe in prayer. He will bring America back to prayer, many tragedies will come which will cause them to revert back to prayer. He is calling for His church to begin to fast, pray(shut in) and teach holiness again. He is calling for His people(servants) to fast, pray and live holy again. As the Lord is calling for an end of some things, He is also calling for a beginning of some things again.


On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 12:05 PM, Apostle C. Vanzant Luster

Apostle's and Prophet's of the living God when I got this message I could not rest. I began to pray for answers. Since God deals with numbers, I believe there is an revelatory message here for God's people. It is the code of the Lord. I ask that you pray for revelation of what God is saying to us. Why code you ask? Simply to keep the devil from knowing what God is up too in this hour in the lives of God's people.

This is part of it...two paradigm shifts are happening. WINTER AND FALL. The shift for WINTER has already taken place. The atmosphere is shifting quickly. I taught on Friday the 7th about the prophets need to start taking authority over the atmosphere to begin to shift it, with an prophetic sound. The atmosphere will respond to our sound.
(We are already in the winter season - January, 1-1-11 & 1-11-11. The next shift will take place in the fall - November, 11-1-11 & 11-11-11)

God is shifting and repositioning and brining things to an end that has troubled us for years. 11 means End-Finish. God is finishing up somethings that has been lingering for to long, that has hinder us. Ending relationships and personal issues that has hinder us. Those things that are out of order in our lives. The things that are out of order in the body of Christ. A shifting in the government, in the political realm has already occurred. He's calling for divine order to be released in the earth realm. If God reveal to you more...please forward to me. It is time to repent and pray like never before NOW!

Thank you. His servant in Christ. Apostle Vanzant.