Friday, January 21, 2011


On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 12:05 PM, Apostle C. Vanzant Luster

Apostle's and Prophet's of the living God when I got this message I could not rest. I began to pray for answers. Since God deals with numbers, I believe there is an revelatory message here for God's people. It is the code of the Lord. I ask that you pray for revelation of what God is saying to us. Why code you ask? Simply to keep the devil from knowing what God is up too in this hour in the lives of God's people.

This is part of it...two paradigm shifts are happening. WINTER AND FALL. The shift for WINTER has already taken place. The atmosphere is shifting quickly. I taught on Friday the 7th about the prophets need to start taking authority over the atmosphere to begin to shift it, with an prophetic sound. The atmosphere will respond to our sound.
(We are already in the winter season - January, 1-1-11 & 1-11-11. The next shift will take place in the fall - November, 11-1-11 & 11-11-11)

God is shifting and repositioning and brining things to an end that has troubled us for years. 11 means End-Finish. God is finishing up somethings that has been lingering for to long, that has hinder us. Ending relationships and personal issues that has hinder us. Those things that are out of order in our lives. The things that are out of order in the body of Christ. A shifting in the government, in the political realm has already occurred. He's calling for divine order to be released in the earth realm. If God reveal to you more...please forward to me. It is time to repent and pray like never before NOW!

Thank you. His servant in Christ. Apostle Vanzant.

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