Friday, January 21, 2011


Given by; Prophet Sharon on Friday, January 21, 2011

The Lord gave me focus on the number 1. The number one represents creation and the beginning/first of something. God is calling for a new order in this season. This includes the church, His people and the government. They have forgotten about God's commandments and have been operating in with their own agendas. This has caused many to be lost in the world as well as the church. In the first shift, He is calling for an end to the things in the church, His people and the government that are contrary to His will.

He's calling for a nation to repent and come back to Him. He wants them to do their first works again. He wants to prepare them for the second shift. God is going to release His power as never before in the second shift. We will experience a weight of His glory in this shift. He will pour out His spirit upon all flesh, but it will only be upon those that are ready and prepared for this. There will be a great manifestation of His power as we enter 2012. This is the year of anointing and appointing. The Lord will pour a double anointing upon His vessels.

He will appoint and bring to the front the remnant of His people that have been faithful and have availed themselves to Him during the first shifting. God will no longer tolerate His work going undone. There has been a lot of entertainment in His churches. His people have begun to compromise his statutes, they have begun to do ministry for filthy lucre. There will be a great exposure in the next season for those who will not adhere to the first shift and an exposure as
He elevates those who did.

He is shifting the government, He has begun having some leaders elected that believe in prayer. He will bring America back to prayer, many tragedies will come which will cause them to revert back to prayer. He is calling for His church to begin to fast, pray(shut in) and teach holiness again. He is calling for His people(servants) to fast, pray and live holy again. As the Lord is calling for an end of some things, He is also calling for a beginning of some things again.

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